martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

The community of strangers

A fragment of the possible first chapter of the possible story...

Well I, I have a theory you see, that is that love is undeniable, unforgettable, unforgivable and indivisible. You can't say "loved" in the strict sense, my theory is that once you love you never get the chance to tell it off, it carves you consumes you inch by inch, everyone gets a piece of your heart, and long after old lovers have fled, you hold a subtle image of them in the back of your thoughts, a half smile, a beauty mark, blue eyes... You forget the rest, you learn to, survive by doing so. But you don't stop the love, you stop the loving, that you do, but the love? never.

A community of strangers

This is the possible beginning to a story I might or might not get to write. It's not much but I like the beginning, ta good enough right?

It was love shooting off in every directions, aiming nowhere specifically, crashing injuries and repeating echoes, making waves of ideals, feeding them all. Wounds did not cauterize, everything was a spark, an army of hearts.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Noviembre (mi version alterna a la cancion)

Sueño con cambiar el mundo
Pero el mundo no se deja
Sueño con cambiar el mundo
Pero el mundo ni se inquieta

Yo ni me alimento del viento
Mi dieta es más bien austera
Si me trago un par de cuentos
Ideales piel de fiera
Y es que Alfredo me escupiera
Sin estas fachas tan burguesas me viera
Ideales se montan a quimera

Y siento estas revoluciones pendientes
Revoluciones urgentes
Me han nacido siempre en noviembre
Que, que aun sueña con cambiar el mundo

No quiero cortar cabezas
Pero siendo muy sincera
La revoluciones me quieren muerta
La revolucione esta bien muerta

Y yo quiero cambiar el mundo
Aun quiero cambiar el mundo
Pero nomás no me dejas

Hace ya tiempo
Me propuse ser chispa de la guerra
Y crear el cambio en el que todo se pudiera
Y sin embargo yo no salgo
Y sin embargo del mundo me deshago
Sin embargo lloro y lloro al ocaso
Sin embargo la cosa es que yo no cambio

Revoluciones pendientes, revoluciones urgentes
Se han dado cita en noviembre
Quisiera ser de noviembre
Por que yo sueño con cambiar al mundo

Revoluciones urgentes, revoluciones pendientes
Ya casi es de noviembre
Y si nos unimos a noviembre
Que, Que sueña con cambiar el mundo (Sueña con cambiar el mundo)

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


Rebecca, Rebecca release the sweet rose trapped into your fingernails, release the sweet rose that lacks entirely of thorns, it posses no sin, no threat to the pale of your palm. Rebecca, Rebecca, just let the entirety of it go, let is spun out of your mind, melt to the pavement, to the glued soles of your worn platforms. Rebecca, Rebecca do not resent the dawn coming through dust, bastard child of your love with the dusk, Rebecca my love the night is falling to the ground, the soundless leave of the comets welcome unwanted newly born sunrise.

Rebecca, Rebecca redemption is escaping your grasp, angel of mystics, doll of the clouds, nymph of the asphalt, striking the earth with voice of the divine, your sanctity is bound to the fear of your soul, doomed to the haunt, til again you are reborn.

Rebecca, Rebecca, born sweetly into sin, the candle in the dark that's blazing god's house, the candles of consecration burning the altar of misplaced prayers and intense violation of purity. Rebecca, Rebecca, and then she is feared by the parishioners and the nuns in their weekly pilgrimage for the love of some god, oh then she is feared by the mums with their children by the hand, feared by the sight of a sweetness of girl wearing her green eyes, pure blond of the strands lost in front of arson fire, mistaken by flames of a church evolved in bonfire. Oh and then she is feared gripping the wick in her hand. Oh Rebecca, forgiven by none, the scorn of old eyes, neighbours gather at her spite, every little soul of suburbia waking to her crime.

Rebecca, rebecca, didn't you believe like I? Rebecca weren't you god's most precious child? Rebecca weren't you supposed to be the saint of our lives? Wasn't your song that of the good lord? Rebecca what's going on? Is the parish the end of the road? Rebecca you'd behave and be sweet, you'd be good and polite, you'd be the tiny goddess that went silent to a nod, Rebecca what is going on?

Oh but Rebecca you've crawled into your skin and there you will stay forever more, never to been seen as the angel of your progenitor, Rebecca you've found out another kind of life, that won't allow no explained whys.

Rebecca pulled out from a needle eye, your rescue is flaming reflections on your eyes, no matter the faces of horror, you've found your redemption, your forgiving archangel is your own. You've born into your skin, you've found the blissful sin setting you apart, the freeing sign of an actual beating heart. Pulled out from walking death back into life, with no virginal gowns a shameful way to birth the new spirit of true.

Oh will you miss Jesus? Yes, but Rebecca, Rebecca today you've spread flames to your old life, how does it feel like to leave everything behind?

Rebecca, Rebecca with none by your side.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Star of my life

We stare into the communion of sadness
the world betraying its gut for bleak anxiety
the roofs can't be climbed
the hours can't be misplaced
days fail to be numbered

Morrison asks now
did I shine?
Was I a shooting star?
Shotgun of comets aiming at moon's bastard child?
From ashes
Did you hold your breath at my sight?
deep into the profound night

Starless constellations filling wishes
everybody dies
few get a star

Hoshi the baby mumbles
and satan's angel
gives her
pure grain
of charcoal sand

Here, this is your tiny
tinest piece of star

Go chasing comets
paper planes off the ground
and never comeback

Star of my life

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009


Es un avanzar haciendo elipses sobre si mismo
el tiempo se ha vuelto un ciclo
a pasos atragantados
pasos agigantados
y el gigante es apenas feto
pasos con vocacion de canibales
que se tragan, enredan los caminos
tragan espacio los indecisos
se atreven y se tragan
hasta el eclipse
que se trago al sol

No me llamo hoshi, no me llamo Orion
no respondo a hijos bastardos de la luna
no soy unica y absoluta

Esporadica, ilusa, retinente
ciclica sin pudor
dispersa, hija de puta
nomada que renta su direccion
nomada ficticia que le quiso copiar a Morrison
y no
no le salio

Mi unica esperanza yace en la espera
la trisstessa,
sordida espera de generaciones y años
de mitos humanos tan urbanos

Espera del abuelito con su nieta
que por alla por 1918
alguna vez dijo

(Nadie dijo que supiera escribir en español)


jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Fragmento de la mente I

Soy (o me asumo) tan libre
que no me puedo estar quieta
Me la vivo haciendo circulos entre
las esquinas del aire
Como una elipse que se va expandiendo
cortando mares
hasta que un dia
se devora al mundo

Luc. S.H. (Lvcy...)